ACES Indiana Coalition
Growing Awareness and Building Community
Rediscovering Resilience Conference 2025
Conference dates June 16-17, Bloomington, IN (registration coming soon)
Call for Proposals- Submit a proposal by March 31st : HERE
Indiana Youth Services Association (IYSA) and the ACEs Indiana Coalition invite you to submit proposals for the 2nd Annual Rediscovering Resilience Conference.
This in-person conference intentionally focuses on educating individuals at all levels on their trauma-informed journey.
Growing Awareness and Building Community
The ACEs Indiana Coalition is comprised of hundreds of professionals from around the state of Indiana. With varying backgrounds, each Master Trainer brings a unique perspective to the initiative. The ACEs Indiana Coalition is dedicated to growing awareness on Adverse Childhood Experiences and building self-healing communities. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events in a child’s life that can have negative and lasting effects on a person’s physical, mental and emotional health. In addition, self-healing communities focus on the implementation of trauma-informed interventions, local policy improvements and paradigm shifts in how we assist children and families. By doing so, we can help prevent the accumulation of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
Proper Use of the ACEs Questionnaire
“The ACE questionnaire was designed to research—not screen—the relationship between childhood adversities and health and social outcomes. Therefore, the authors, along with other colleagues, are concerned about potential misapplication of ACE questionnaires and the ACE score for community-based screening and decision making about treatment or services.”
Dr. Robert Anda
The ACEs Indiana Coalition is dedicated to spreading awareness on the proper use of the ACEs questionnaire. The coalition has partnered with the Commission on Improving the Status of Children to create a Position Statement on the proper use of the questionnaire. (Read more here)
Request a Presentation
The ACE Interface presentation discusses the neurobiology of trauma, the original ACE study with important findings, proper use of the ACEs questionnaire, how to foster resilience, and how to build a self-healing community.
Becoming a Master Trainer
An ACEs Indiana Coalition Master Trainer has the ability to present and educate on the ACE Interface presentation. The ACE Interface presentation discusses the neurobiology of trauma, the original ACE study with important findings, proper use of the ACEs questionnaire, how to foster resilience, and how to build a self-healing community. Interested in learning more?
Presentation Report
View the Presentation Report (Password Protected)

303 Alabama St Ste 210,
Indianapolis, IN 46204