Indiana Trafficking Victims Assistance Program
Comprehensive services to victims (24 and under) of trafficking or sexual exploitation
Indiana Safe Place Organizations
Safe Place provides access to immediate help and supportive resources for youth in need.
ITVAP Direct Service Providers
Provide direct services to individuals involved in Human Trafficking. Have specialized training in Human Trafficking and ongoing clinical support
Youth Service Bureaus
YSBs offer a variety of programs for youth based on Delinquency Prevention, Advocacy, Community Education, Information and Referral
Human Trafficking Law Enforcement Guide
This guide is an effort to ensure all state and local law enforcement have easily accessible information on federal and state trafficking laws, contacts for emergency assistance, the numerous state agencies and organizations that offer statewide assistance, and training resources
Polaris Project
Credit Repair Process for Survivors
Resources for Victims of Human and Sex Trafficking Guide
Modern-day slavery is more common than you might imagine. We’ve compiled statistics and resources to help you identify when it’s happening and when to act.
Additional Partnerships
ITVAP supports partnerships with additional organizations around the state through MOUs and Informal Partnerships
Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking (ICESAHT)
Ages: Over 18
Counties: Statewide
Services: Prevent, Detect, and Prosecute human trafficking in Indiana; empower and support survivors.
Contact: Karen Maher Karen.Maher@icesaht.org
Ages: Over 18
Counties: Statewide
Services: A nonprofit law firm that provides free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income residents throughout the state of Indiana.
Contact: Jiamia McCoy
Ages: All Ages
Counties: Northeast Indiana
Services: A private nonprofit organization serving immigrants and refugees to promote safety, encourage personal growth, and foster a spirit of belonging.
Contact: Melissa Grossman
260-484-1414 x518
Coordinator: Ian Hurst Phone: 574-205-9497 Email: ihurst@indysb.org
North Central Indiana Anti-Trafficking Task Force
County(s): St. Joseph County
Contact: Sarah Gezequel
Email: sgezequel@sjpd.org
Bashor Children’s Home
62226 CR 15, Goshen, IN 46527
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Elkhart
Services: Residential, Emergency Shelter, Outpatient Counseling
Contact: Lori Harrington
Email: lharrington@bashor.org
Phone: 574-875-5117 x2501
Website: bashor.org
Catholic Charities of Ft Wayne & South Bend
1817 Miami Street, South Bend, IN 46613
Ages: All Ages
County(s): St. Joseph, Elkhart, Kosciusko, Marshall
Services: Case Management, Counseling
Contact: Tiffany Goble
Email: tgoble@ccfwsb.org
Phone: 260-422-5625 x216
North Regional Counties: 260-925-0917
South Regional Counties: 260-425-5625
Website: ccfwsb.org
Fair Haven
2645 Ridge Road, Highland, IN 46322
Ages: Over 18
County(s): Lake, Porter, LaPorte, Jasper, Newton, White, Pulaski, Starke
Services: Counseling, Advocacy, Case Management, Emergency Shelter
Contact: Becca Emerson
Email: becca.emerson@fairhavenrcc.org
Phone: 219-777-3894
Website: https://fairhavenrcc.org/
24-hr Crisis Line: 219-218-2552
8am-4:30pm: 219-961-4357
Gary Crisis Center
101 N. Montgomery St, Gary, IN 46403
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Lake
Service: Emergency Youth Shelter
Contact: Nikki Wielgos
Email: nwielgos@crisiscenterysb.org
Phone: 219-938-2755
Website: crisiscenterysb.org
Crisis Line: 888-879-4615
Office: 219-871-6895
Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY)
3711 Rupp Drive, Suite 200, Fort Wayne, IN 46815
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Regions 1, 2, 7, Marion County
Services: Counseling, Support Groups, Case management, SA treatment
Contact: Gloria Whitcraft Email: whitcraftg@safy.org
Phone: 260-443-6191
Website: https://www.safy.org/indiana/
Referral: https://www.safy.org/get-in-touch/
Hobart PD
705 E 4th St., Hobart, IN 46342
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Lake
Service: Emergency Response, Victim Advocacy
Contact: Andrea Graciano
Email: agraciano@cityofhobart.org
Phone: 219-942-1125 x1069
Website: cityofhobart.org/152/Police-Department
Non-Emergency: 219-942-1125 x1061 ask for an Advocate from the SERV Division
Stepping Stone Shelter
501 Springland Ave., Michigan City, IN 46360
Ages: All Ages – Females
County(s): LaPorte
Services: Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing
Contact: Nanda Danitschek
Email: nanda@steppingstoneshelter.org
Phone: 219-871-6895
Website: steppingstoneshelter.org
Referral: 219-938-7070
Email: staff@crisiscenterysb.org
(24/7) Hope Line: 219-938-0900
Survive & Thrive Counseling Inc.
7870 Broadway Suite H, Merrillville, IN 46410
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Lake
Services: Counseling
Contact: Teonna Wilber
Email: survivethrive@outlook.com
Phone: 219-649-1758
Website: https://www.facebook.com/survivethrivecounseling/
Referral: Teonna Wilber
Phone: 219-649-1758
YWCA North Central Indiana (Elkhart)
132 State Street, Elkhart, IN 46516
Ages: All Ages – Females
County(s): Elkhart
Services: Transitional housing, Substance use
Contact: Karen Shivers
Email: kshivers@ywcancin.org
Phone: 574-294-1811
Website: ywcancin.org
Referral: kshivers@ywcancin.org
YWCA North Central Indiana (South Bend)
1102 S. Fellows St, South Bend, IN 46601
Ages: All Ages – Females
County(s): St Joseph, Elkhart
Services: Transitional housing, Substance use
Contact: Susan Tybon
Email: stybon@ywcancin.org
Phone: 574-233-9491 x305
Website: ywcancin.org
Referral: kshivers@ywcancin.org
YSB of LaPorte County
906 Michigan Ave., LaPorte, IN 46350
Ages: Under 18
County(s): LaPorte
Services: Community Education
Contact: Steve Bernth
Email: usb_lp@csinet.net
Phone: 219-362-9587
Referral: youthservicebureau.com
YSB of St. Joseph County
2222 Lincolnway West, South Bend, IN 46628
Ages: Under 18
County(s): St. Joseph
Services: Emergency Youth Shelter, Outreach, Safe Place
Contact: Jayne Monahan
Email: jayne.monahan@ysbsjc.org
Phone: 574-235-9231
Referral: ysbsjc.org
Coordinator: Jeremy Greenlee Phone: 574-213-1502 Email:jgreenlee@indysb.org
Anti-Trafficking Network of Northeast Indiana (ATNNI)
County(s): LaGrange, Steuben, Noble, DeKalb, Whitley, Allen, Wabash, Huntington, Adams, Wells
Contact: antitraffickingnetwork@gmail.com
Allies, Inc.
3421 N Park Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46205
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Marion, Johnson, Delaware
Services: Specializes in HT* Support Groups, Mentoring
Contact: Jessica Evans
Email: jessica@allies-inc.org
Phone: 317-782-5535
Website: allies-inc.org
Referral: audrey@allies-inc.org
Phone: 656- 400-3576
Catholic Charities of Ft Wayne & South Bend
915 S. Clinton St., South Bend, IN 46601
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Allen, Huntington Wabash, Whitley
Services: Case Management, Counseling
Contact: Tiffany Goble
Email: ccfwsb.org
Phone: 260-422-5625 x216
Referral: North Regional: 260-925-0917
Referral: South Regional: 260-425-5625
Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY)
3711 Rupp Drive, Suite 200, Fort Wayne, IN 46815
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Regions 1, 2, 7, Marion County
Services: Counseling, Support Groups, Case management, SA treatment
Contact: Gloria Whitcraft
Email: https://www.safy.org/indiana/
Phone: 260-443-6191
Referral: https://www.safy.org/get-in-touch/
YSB of Wells County- Family Centered Services
1515 N Sutton Circle, Bluffton, IN 46714
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Adams, Grant, Wells
Services: Community Education, Safe Place, Outreach
Contact: Angie Dial
Email: adial@fcs-inc.net
Phone: 260-824-8574
Referral: https://fcs-inc.net/
YSB of Huntington County
1344 Maple Dr., Huntington, IN 46750
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Huntington Wabash Whitley
Services: Host Homes, Safe Place, Outreach
Contact: Jan Williams
Email: j.williams@ysbofhuntingtonco.org
Phone: 260-356-9681
Referral: ysbofhuntington.com
YSB of Jay County
603 W Arch, Portland, IN 47371
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Jay
Services: Emergency Youth Shelter, Safe Place
Contact: PJ Corwin
Email: ysbjc@ysbjc.com
Phone: 260-726-8520
Referral: ysbjc.com
YSB of Fort Wayne – YMCA
1117 South Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Allen
Services: Community Education, Safe Place
Contact: Cameron Shackelford
Email: cameron_shackelford@fwymca.org
Phone: 260-449-7511
Referral: fwymca.org/locations/ymca-youth-service-bureau
Coordinator: William Glover Phone: 317-340-9822 Email: wglover@indysb.org
Bauer Family Resources
330 Fountain St, Lafayette, IN 47901
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Tippecanoe, Benton, Carroll, Clinton, Fountain, Warren, White
Services: Case Management
Contact: Melinda Pryor
Email: mpryor@bauerfamilyresources.org
Phone: 765-742-4848 x4017
Website: bauerfamilyresources.org
Referral: mpryor@bauerfamilyresources.org
Child and Family Partners Counseling
115 Farabee Drive North Suite #C, Lafayette IN 47905
Ages: All Ages
County(s) Statewide
Services: Counseling
Contact: Melissa Simpson
Email: melissa@counselingpartnersllc.com
Phone: 765-427-6756
Website: childandfamilypartners.org
Referral: 765-427-6756
Tippecanoe Youth Services
1530 S. 18th Street Lafayette, IN 47905
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Tippecanoe
Services: Emergency Shelter, Case Management, Therapy
Contact: Rebecca Humphrey
Email: rhumphrey@tippecanoe.in.gov
Phone: 765-474-4616 x2702
Website: tippecanoe.in.gov/419/Cary-Home-for-Children
Referral: youthservices@tippecanoe.in.gov
Montgomery County YSB
209 E Pike Street, Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Montgomery
Services: Community Education
Contact: Karen Branch
Email: admin@mcysb.org
Phone: 765-362-0694
Referral: http://www.mcysb.org/
Benton County Purdue Extension
410 South Adeway, Suite A, Fowler, IN 47944
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Benton
Services: Safe Place
Contact: Kelsie Muller
Email: kmuller@purdue.edu
Phone: 765-884-0140
Referral: extension.purdue.edu/Benton
Coordinator: Heather Maravilla Phone: 317-701-7727 Email: Hmaravilla@indysb.org
Indiana Protection of Abused and Trafficked Humans (IPATH) Taskforce
County(s): Statewide Taskforce
Contact: info@icesaht.org
Allies, Inc.
6401 Gateway Drive #531965., Indianapolis, IN 46253
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Marion, Johnson, Delaware
Services: Specializes in HT* Support Groups, Mentoring
Contact: Jessica Evans
Email: jessica@allies-inc.org
Phone: 317-782-5535
Website: allies-inc.org
Referral: info@allies-inc.org
Ascent 121
PO Box 1143, Carmel IN 46082
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Statewide
Services: *Specializes in HT*, Counseling, Support Groups
Contact: Megan Jessup
Email: megan.jessup@ascent121.org
Phone: 317-759-0067
Website: ascent121.org
Referral: 317-759-0067
Adult and Child
603 E. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46204
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Marion, Johnson
Services: Counseling
Contact: Jennifer Disbro
Email: jdisbro@adultandchild.org
Phone: 877-882-5122
Website: adultandchild.org
Referral: 877-882-5122
Child and Family Partners Counseling
115 Farabee Drive North Suite #C, Lafayette IN 47905
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Statewide
Services: Counseling
Contact: Melissa Simpson
Email: melissa@counselingpartnersllc.com
Phone: 765-427-6756
Website: childandfamilypartners.org/
Referral: 765-427-6756
Family and Community Partners
3921 N Meridian St Suite 210, Indianapolis, IN 46208
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Marion
Services: Counseling, Case Management
Contact: Nick Orange
Email: norange@familyandcommunitypartners.com
Phone: 317-554-9956
Website: familyandcommunitypartners.com
Referral: norange@familyandcommunitypartners.com
Firefly Children and Family Alliance
1575 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St., Indianapolis IN 46202
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Bartholomew, Hamilton, Hancock, Marion, Madison
Services: Emergency Youth Shelter, Counseling
Contact: Tina Cloer
Email: tcloer@childrensbureau.org
Phone: 317-264-2700
Website: https://fireflyin.org/
Referral: 317-634-5050
Fountain Square Counseling
735 Shelby St. Suite 103, Indianapolis, IN 46203
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Marion, Hamilton, Hancock
Services: Counseling, support groups, case management, advocacy
Contact: Megan Flinn
Email: megan@fsqcounseling.com
Phone: 317-680-2424
Website: https://fsqcounseling.com/
Referral: Info@fsqcounseling.com
Grit Into Grace
3921 N Meridian St Suite 210, Indianapolis, IN 46208
Ages: Over 18
County(s): Marion
Services: Counseling, Support Groups, Advocacy, Case Management
Contact: Stefanie Jeffers
Email: stefanie@gritintograce.org
Phone: 317-331-8334
Website: http://gritintograce.org/
Referral: laura@gritintograce.org
One Sensible Solution
6100 N. Keystone, Indianapolis, IN 46220
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Marion, Johnson, Hamilton, Hendricks, Boone
Services: Counseling
Contact: Angel Maschino
Phone: 317-296-4914
Website: onesensiblesolution.com
Referral: 1sensiblesolution@gmail.com
Pathway International
3905 Vincennes Rd, Suite 303 Indianapolis IN 46268
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Marion, Hamilton, Boone
Services: Counseling, Interpretation, Advocacy, Case Management
Contact: Beverli Mason
Email: beverli.mason@pathway.us
Phone: 317-306-1837
Website: pathway.us
Referral: beverli.mason@pathway.us
Perseverance Partners
1300 E. 86th St. Suite 36A #80171, Indianapolis, IN 46240
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Marion, Hamilton, Hancock, Johnson
Services: Counseling, Support Groups, Case Management, Advocacy, Mentoring
Contact: Sherian Barnes
Phone: perseverancepartnersllp@gmail.com
Phone: 317-414-1248
Website: https://www.perseverancepartners.services/
Referral: Complete Google Form
Reach for Youth
3505 North Washington Blvd., Indianapolis IN 46205
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Marion, Johnson
Services: Counseling
Contact: Kendee Kolp
Email: kkolp@reachforyouth.org
Phone: 317-920-5900
Website: reachforyouth.org
Referral: rfy@reachforyouth.org
Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY)
3711 Rupp Drive, Suite 200, Fort Wayne, IN 46815
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Regions 1, 2, 7, Marion County
Services: Counseling, Support Groups, Case management, SA treatment
Contact: Gloria Whitcraft
Email: whitcraftg@safy.org
Phone: 260-443-6191
Website: https://www.safy.org/indiana/
Referral: https://www.safy.org/get-in-touch/
Saxifrage Counseling
6101 North Keystone Ste. 100 #1188, Indianapolis, IN 46220
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Statewide
Services: *Specializes in HT* Counseling (telehealth only)
Contact: Whitney Cloin
Email: whitneycloin@saxifragellc.com
Phone: 812-266-0824
Website: https://www.saxifragellc.com/
Referral: wcloin@saxifragellc.com
Stopover, Inc.
2236 E. 10th St., Indianapolis, IN 46201
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Marion
Services: Emergency Shelter & Transitional Housing
Contact: Amber Ames
Email: aames@stopoverinc.org
Phone: 317-635-9301
Website: stopoverinc.org
Referral: 317-635-9301 24-Hour Crisis Line
Trending the Roots
9165 Otis Ave, Ste 241, Indianapolis, IN 46216
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Marion, Madison, Hamilton
Services: *Specializes in HT* Counseling
Contact: Hannah Verdin
Email: hannah@tendingroots.com
Phone: 765-620-6754
Website: https://www.facebook.com/tendingroots/
Referral: Hannah@tendingroots.com
Coordinator: Heather Maravilla Phone:(317) 701-7727 Email: hmaravilla@indysb.org
Johnson County Human Trafficking Taskforce
County(s): Johnson County
Contact: Tracy McQueen
Email: Johnsoncounty.ht.taskforce@gmail.com
Adult and Child
603 E. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46204
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Marion, Johnson
Services: Counseling
Contact: Jennifer Disbro
Email: jdisbro@adultandchild.org
Phone: 877-882-5122
Website: adultandchild.org
Referral: Hannah@tendingroots.com
Family Services Inc.
1531 13th Street Columbus IN 47201
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Bartholomew
Services: Counseling
Contact: Julie Miller
Email: jmiller@familyservicebc.org
Phone: 812-372-3745
Website: familyservicebc.org
Referral: 812-372-3745
Fayette Regional Care Pavilion (Reid Health)
450 Erie Avenue, PO Box 929, Connersville IN, 47331
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Statewide
Services: Counseling
Contact: Jennifer Fitzwater
Email: jenniferfi@fayetteregional.org
Phone: 765-827-7890
Website: reidhealth.org/locations/connersville
Referral: 765-935-8934
Valle Vista Health Systems
898 E. Main Street Greenwood, IN 46143
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Statewide
Services: Counseling, support groups, advocacy, case management, Substance use treatment
Contact: Jim Reagan
Email: jill.reagan@uhsinc.com
Phone: 317-383-7745
Website: vallevistahospital.com
Referral: 800-447-1348 24-Hour Access Line
YSB of Monroe County
603 E. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46204
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Monroe
Services: Emergency Shelter, Counseling, Safe Place
Contact: Vanessa Schmidt
Email: vschmidt@co.monroe.in.us
Phone: 812-349-2539
Website: co.monroe.in.us/department/?structureid=78
Referral: 812-349-2506
Coordinator: Christian Wicks Phone: 317-701-7727 Email: cwicks@indysb.org
Southwest Indiana Regional Coalition Against Trafficking (SIRCAT)
County(s): Daviess, Dubois, Gibson, Knox, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh, Warrick
Contact: Christian Wicks
Email: sircoalitionagainsttraffikcing@gmail.com
Associates in Counseling & Psychotherapy
2627 Charlestown Rd., New Albany, IN 47150
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Spencer
Services: Counseling
Contact: Dana Lemon
Email: DanaLemon@acp-indiana.com
Phone: 812-944-1550
Website: acp-indiana.com
Referral: 812-944-1550
Hillcrest Youth Shelter
2700 W Indiana St, Evansville, IN 47712
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Vanderburgh
Services: Emergency Shelter Care, Counseling
Contact: Jim Ward
Email: wardj@hillcrestyouthservices.org
Phone: 812-428-0698
Website: hillcrestyouthservices.org
Referral: 812-428-0698
Crisis Pregnancy Center of Wabash Valley
750 N Park Dr., Evansville, IN 47710
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Vigo, Clay
Services: Counseling, Advocacy, Education, Medical Care
Contact: Cary King
Email: ExecDir@hollyshouse.org
Phone: 812-235-1153
Website: hollyshouse.org
Referral: info@hollyshouse.org
Holly’s House
750 N Park Dr., Evansville, IN 47710
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Vanderburgh
Services: Forensic Interviewing & Advocacy
Contact: Sidney Hardgrave
Email: ExecDir@hollyshouse.org
Phone: 812-437-7233
Website: hollyshouse.org
Referral: info@hollyshouse.org
Crisis Pregnancy Center of Wabash Valley
530 Wabash Ave, Terre Haute, IN 47807
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Vigo, Clay
Services: Counseling, Advocacy, Education, Medical Care
Contact: Cary King
Email: cking@wvcpc.net
Phone: 812-235-1153
Website: https://www.wabashvalleypregnancy.com/
Referral: 812-366-2365
Chances and Services for Youth (CASY)
1101 13th Street Terre Haute, IN 47802
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Vigo
Services: Safe Place, Host Homes
Contact: Kandace Brown
Email: kbrown@casyonline.org
Phone: 812-236-6644
Website: casyonline.org
Referral: admin@casyonline.org
Phone: 812-232-3952
Pigeon Township Trustee
916 SE 8th Street Evansville, IN 47713
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Vanderburgh
Services: Emergency Shelter, Safe Place
Contact: Mariama Wilson
Email: mariama.wilson@pigeontownship.org
Phone: 812-435-5388
Website: facebook.com/pigeontownshiptrusteeoffice
Coordinator: Sheila Bobay Phone: 812-267-2113 Email: bobaysingh@indysb.org
Southern Indiana Human Trafficking Coalition
County(s): Clark County
Contact: Sheila Bobay
Email: SIHTTF@gmail.com
Associates in Counseling & Psychotherapy
2627 Charlestown Rd., New Albany, IN 47150
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Clark, Floyd, Washington, Orange, Perry, Crawford, Harrison
Services: Counseling
Contact: Dana Lemon
Email: DanaLemon@acp-indiana.com
Phone: 812-944-1550
Website: acp-indiana.com
Referral: 812-944-1550
Blue River Services, Inc.
1365 Old Hwy 135 NW, Corydon, IN 47112
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Harrison, Crawford, Washington
Services: Emergency Youth Shelter
Contact: Heather Richard
Email: clinicaldirector@brsinc.org
Phone: 812-364-1142
Website: brsinc.org
Referral: 812-951-0321
Clark County Youth Shelter
118 E Chestnut St., P.O. Box 886; Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Clark, Floyd
Services: Emergency Youth Shelter, Counseling
Contact: Ashley MacIntyre
Email: ccys@ccysfs.org
Phone: 812-284-5229
Website: ccysfs.org
Referral: 812-284-5229 info@ccysfs.org
Family Ark Inc.
101 Noah’s Lane, Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Scott
Services: Counseling, Case Management
Contact: Kristi Glotzbach
Email: kglotzbach@regionalys.org
Phone: 812-282-8479
Website: www.thefamilyark.org
Referral: 812-284-1760 fabhc@thefamilyark.org
Jennings Co Council on Domestic Violence
1050 West O & M Ave., North Vernon, IN 47265
Ages: All Ages
County(s): Jennings
Services: Emergency Shelter, Case Management, Advocacy
Contact: Priscilla McGrew
Email: director@jccdv.org
Phone: 812-346-1592
Website: jccdv.org
Referral: csa@jccdv.org
Open Door Youth Services
2524 Corydon Pike, New Albany, IN 47150
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Floyd
Services: Emergency and Residential Shelter, Counseling
Contact: Leah Pezzarossi
Email: lpezzarossi@floydcounty.in.gov
Phone: 812-948-5481
Website: opendooryouthservices.com
Referral: info@opendooryouthservices.com
Perry County Central School Corporation
18677 Old State Rd 37, Leopold, IN 47513
Ages: Under 18
County: Perry
Services: Counseling
Contact: Tara Bishop
Email: tbishop@pccs.k12.in.us
Phone: 812-843-5576
Website: pccs.k12.in.us
Referral: tbishop@pccs.k12.in.us
Jefferson County Youth Shelter
212 East St, Madison, IN 47250
Ages: Under 18
County(s): Jefferson
Services: Shelter Care, Safe Place
Contact: Ken Smith
Email: sheltercoordinator@jcysinc.org
Phone: 812-265-3777
Referral: jcysinc.org
Hoosier Hills PACT
196 S Court St., Paoli, IN 47454
Ages: Under 18
Counties: Orange, Washington, Crawford, Harrison, Lawrence, Scott
Services: Host Homes, Safe Place
Contact: Heather Woloshen
Email: heather.woloshen@pactchangeslives.com
Phone: 812-723-2621
Referral: pactchangeslives.com/hoosier-hills-pact
Characteristic Needs for Victims
- Emergency shelter
- Safety Planning
- Interim and long-term housing
- Medical Care
- Therapy/Counseling
- Legal/Immigration Services
- ESL classes
- Interpretation services
- Mentors
- Support Groups
- Life Skills Training
- Vocational Training
- School Assistance
- Job Assistance
- Substance Abuse Treatment
Statewide Resources
- Statewide Info call 211
- Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-800-5556
- Rape/Sexual Assault Center 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-TALK
- The Trevor Project (LGBTQIA+) thetrevorproject.org
- The Human Trafficking Hotline 1-888-373-7888
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) 1800-662-HELP (4357)
- Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1-800-332-7385
- Damien Center Aids Service Organization 1-317-632-0123
For more information about Human Trafficking or to get additional training:
Request a virtual or face to face Human Trafficking presentation/training from one of our Regional Coalition Coordinators for the Indiana Trafficking Victims Assistance Program anywhere within the state of Indiana!
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1 (888) 373-7888
SMS: 233733 (Text “HELP” or “INFO“)
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