The Journey is a fellowship program devoted to the personal and professional development of youth workers in Indiana and beyond.
Previous Programs
International Youth Worker Exchange
Since 2005, The Journey has sponsored and led the International Youth Worker Exchange. This cross-cultural personal and professional experience enables Hoosier youth workers to broaden their awareness of the practice of youth development in other countries.
The Journey has been a consistent leader and advocate for youth workers to improve their individual professional competencies and gain the recognition that comes through the process of becoming certified as a practicing professional in the field.
International Youth Worker Symposium on the Sea Every two years, The Journey hosts and facilitates a learning experience for leading nonprofit professionals and youth workers from around the globe so they can reflect upon and improve their practice, deepen their relationships, and refresh themselves as practitioners dedicated to serving young people.

Contact The Journey
Mailing Address
303 N. Alabama St., Suite 210
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Office Phone: 317-238-6955
General Email: